The Religion Test

ในห้อง 'Buddhism' ตั้งกระทู้โดย Toutou, 9 สิงหาคม 2007.

  1. Toutou

    Toutou เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    9 เมษายน 2005
    The Religion Test

    [​IMG] Ever wonder if you're practicing the right religion for your beliefs, or if there's a faith out there that's really right for you? It's possible you might be compatible with more than one religion since many religions share similar takes on certain subjects. In fact, it's possible that you're more compatible with religions other than the one you believe in. Want to know which religion you're most compatible with based on your belief system? Take the test now!

    Tickle is completely impartial in terms of religion and this test does not favour any particular religion or system of belief.

  2. Toutou

    Toutou เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    9 เมษายน 2005
    My Result

    Your personality is most suited to the Buddhist religion
    In the Buddhist tradition, one is encouraged to find God in everything - oneself, one's community, one's life. Siddhartha Gautama did not try to explain the existence of a God, gods, or goddesses, or document the proper rituals and sacrifices to achieve oneness with God. He instead offered a wealth of specific teachings whose principles encourage a spiritual connection through commitment to self-discipline, meditation, and important moral rules. Found in a sacred text called Tripitaka, these teachings help Buddhists stay on their path toward Enlightenment, a state of being where you do not experience suffering or desire. Buddhists also have a deep respect for life and believe that their behaviour in this life will affect their experiences in the next. In effect, they believe, "What goes around comes around."
  3. Falkman

    Falkman พลังจิตนานาชาติ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    3 กรกฎาคม 2006
    <DIR>Your personality is most suited to the Bahai religion

    </DIR>The Baha'i are monotheists - they believe in a single, almighty God. They also believe that their divine messenger, Baha'u'llah, is just the most recent in a long line of spiritual figures. With a passion for unity and community, the Baha'i feel that an integrated world government, a universal religion, and an end to racism and gender inequal

    test มาสองหนเหมือนกันเลย แป่วๆ

  4. Toutou

    Toutou เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    9 เมษายน 2005
    Other possible results:


    Muslims are monotheists - they believe in a single, almighty God, whom they call Allah. They also believe that Muhammad, born in Mecca in 570 CE, was the last true prophet sent to preach the message of Allah. Transcribed word for word in Allah's own language, these messages make up the Qur'an, the most well known of the Muslim's sacred texts. This holy book is strictly observed by most Muslims and is handed down from one generation to the next to preserve the integrity of the religion. Extremely devout and sincere, Muslims engage in ritualistic prayer five times per day to prove the passion of their commitment and surrender to Allah.



    Practicing Jews are monotheists - they believe in a single, almighty God with whom they have a special relationship. They also feel they are God's chosen people and must honour their covenant with him to remain that way. The Jews await the coming of the Messiah whom they expect will lead them to the Promised Land, where there is no evil, only peace. To keep their religion alive and their people connected, Jews pass their beliefs from generation to generation through sacred texts, the most well-known being the Torah. They also look to the Ten Commandments - the core of Jewish law - to give them their strong foundation of ethics.



    The Baha'i are monotheists - they believe in a single, almighty God. They also believe that their divine messenger, Baha'u'llah, is just the most recent in a long line of spiritual figures. With a passion for unity and community, the Baha'i feel that an integrated world government, a universal religion, and an end to racism and gender inequality would bring about a better world. They strive to bring about world peace by overcoming the world's religious divisions in favour of establishing one faith for all of humanity. The Baha'i pass their beliefs from generation to generation through sacred texts, the most well known being the Bayan, which suggests a universal law for all people. They believe that science and religion should be able to live in harmony and that extremes of wealth and poverty should be eliminated.



    Though different Neo-Pagan groups have different faiths, in general, they are primarily polytheists - they believe in multiple gods and goddesses. Most groups also have a highly personal relationship with nature and its seasons, observing important rituals throughout the year to express their faith. Recent attempts to reconstruct the ancient pagan faith - nearly wiped out after years of persecution - have unearthed spiritual texts and a highly secretive oral tradition. While the history of their religion is important, most Neo-Pagan practitioners worship in solitude, performing rituals of personal significance to express their own highly individual spirituality.



    Hindus are polytheists - they believe in multiple gods and goddesses. They also have a deep respect for life and believe that their behaviour in this lifetime will directly affect their social status in their next lives. To keep their religion alive and their people connected, Hindus pass their beliefs from generation to generation through sacred texts, the most well-known being the Books of Knowledge or Vedas. They do not claim that the Vedas were written by the words of Gods and they remain open to new scriptures and future revelations. There are many different perspectives on the scriptures and the deeper spiritual meanings behind the writings are a very important aspect of them.



    Though there are over 1,000 denominations, all Christians are monotheists and most are Trinitarians - they believe in a single, almighty God who comes in three forms, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They also believe it was the Son of God who walked the Earth in the form of Jesus Christ (both man and God at the same time) and that he died to save humankind from the original sin committed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Salvation can be found, according to Christianity, by accepting Jesus as your Saviour. To keep their religion alive and their people connected, Christians pass these beliefs and others from generation to generation through sacred texts, primarily the New Testament. They attempt to live in imitation of Christ and to follow the Ten Commandments and to love their neighbour as they do themselves.



    Spiritualists have mixed beliefs about the existence of God, but they all believe that souls survive death and can be contacted directly through a medium - a psychically sensitive person with the ability to communicate with those who have passed away. What they hope to learn through these communications with those in the Afterlife (or spirit world) is whatever wisdom the spirits want to impart about the transition between worlds. To keep their religion alive, Spiritualists pass their beliefs from generation to generation through the insights of mediums and their publications. They are curious and experimental people, continually craving a deeper understanding of the connections between this life and the Afterlife.
  5. พรายแสง

    พรายแสง เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    20 กันยายน 2004
    nice topic
  6. วิญญาณนิพพาน

    วิญญาณนิพพาน ทีมงานอาสาฯ ทีมงาน ผู้ดูแลเว็บบอร์ด

    6 เมษายน 2008
    very interesting thanks

