เสียงธรรม Soul Therapy

ในห้อง 'Meditation' ตั้งกระทู้โดย ไม่กินผัก, 30 พฤษภาคม 2010.

  1. ไม่กินผัก

    ไม่กินผัก เป็นที่รู้จักกันดี

    20 มกราคม 2010

    Soul Therapy<sup>®</sup> Music is highly spiritual music performed and produced by the American born Buddha Maitreya who plays all the instruments and performs all the sacred invocations and prayers. Buddha Maitreya’s Soul Therapy<sup>® </sup>meditation healing music combines the invocations of Angels and Buddhas, qualities of awakening, with different bells and sounds that come from Tibetan Buddhism, Crystal bowls and Native American drums. Ancient prayers and the highest invocations to God evoke relaxation, oneness and peace.

    Soul Therapy<sup>®</sup> music is unique, transmitting Buddha Maitreya’s blessing for personal and planetary healing. It develops a spontaneous and transcendental state to enable communication with the Soul, opening up the heart, mind and emotions and helping the chakras move back into their natural alignment. It helps to release negativity and spontaneously balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain establishing a meditative state that would normally take many years to develop. Playing the Soul Therapy<sup>®</sup> CDs enhances transcendental consciousness every moment of the day, invoking and evoking the inner truth of the Soul in your life.

    These ancient teaching songs can be played at home, work, during sleep, or while travelling. They clear, cleanse, protect and bless any space and are most effective when played continuously. Each of the Buddha Maitreya Shambhala Healing tools comes with a Soul Therapy<sup>®</sup> CD or they can be purchased individually. There are seven titles to choose from, each one has 4-6 tracks and contains about an hour of meditation music.

    About Soul Therapy<sup>®</sup> Music by H.H. Buddha Maitreya

    As a person relaxes and listens to the ancient universal prayers and invocations in the meditation music, emotions naturally calm down and the mind begins to clear, creating a balancing energetic exchange that results in regeneration and revitalization. The music clears, cleanses and blesses any space - work or home and is most effective when played continuously. Below is an extract from a Radio Show with H.H. Buddha Maitreya on the subject of meditation and Soul Therapy<sup>®</sup> Music.
    Host: The recordings we’re hearing as we go to and from break are recorded by His Holiness. Would you speak just a bit on what the purpose of the music is?

    H.H. Buddha Maitreya: When I play the music and it affects people, it actually affects their Buddha nature, their ability to respond to the moment. That’s what Buddha nature is, its the ability to integrate the soulful higher quality in with your personality in that moment, in a transcendent state without the limitations of negativity, of doubts that are more of a what’s known as a “ left-spin” kind of thing. When the music is played, and being so spontaneous and meditative, it actually brings people into that spontaneous moment that I’m at. So, the CDs can be played anywhere and quite often people play them almost 24 hours a day as background music because it just constantly keeps them in a very controlled and gathered state and they just stay more balanced and healing.

    Host: Could you speak a little bit about the benefits of meditation and particularly about group meditation?

    H.H. Buddha Maitreya: It's a very interesting type that I do that's a little different than what most people experience. It's based on the use of the American Indian drum, which I play naturally and is recorded. At the same time another track is then played where I'm using cymbals and Tibetan bells and bowls from Tibet that I use naturally in my Puja's when I'm sitting and meditating on my own. So I just play that along with the drums. Then on another track I actually do an invocation that I would do in my healing practice, where I'm invoking the Seven Rays or the invocation of the alignment and the healing of chakras to colors and to sound and to certain vibrations that applies to natural laws that are found in esoteric healing. When you study along those lines, there are very specific laws that are applied to the Law of Love and when that energy is applied and you understand it, it helps to radiate that energy more in a conscious level just in higher mind or higher intuition. So the music actually applies higher mind in the teaching and it applies an intuitive nature that, just by expressing the Truth in the impression, like certain colors, when they come into a room... even in psychology they found that if you paint a room a certain color and you go into that room, it has a direct effect on your emotions and your mind and your sense of well-being and your ability to study or your ability to relax or your ability to sleep or your ability to be calm and not be fidgety. They found that by changing those colors that actually helps change the different vehicles of the body. Those are laws that are applied in nature that have an effect on us, naturally, in our senses that we're not consciously aware of. But they're there. In the higher mind, by applying the relationship of what's best known around color and it's relationship to virtue and the relationship of certain qualities and characteristics that are expressed in humanity, those are applied in the Soul Therapy Music. So it's done in a way to where it's just a prayer or an invocation that applies those energies and it helps to bring about what's known as the Science of Invocation and Evocation. So you really don't sit there and think logically or try and figure out what the is being said or anything, because there's a lot of music involved and you're just relaxing along with it and the teachings are more or less harmoniously going along with the rhythm of the music. It's more or less a very creative, both right and left hemisphere activity that goes on while you're meditating so it very much satisfies the energy of the mind and the energy of the emotion, sitting in meditation. The energy of the physical body becomes much more awake and much more alert energetically to allow higher telepathy or intuition to take place. When you do that in a group level, it actually does effect the harmony of the ability to meditate without the fear of being in relationship to people or being around other people or that you have to be alone in order to gain your best meditation and all that. You actually, in a group, like in a prayer hall or in a large healing group, there's much more energy in effect due to the Soul having a collective consciousness to it. The intuition of the Soul is much more radiating and receiving. So if you're around like-minded people who are meditating, that effects the energy of radiating that healing energy out to the town or benefiting more yourself by other people being benefited. You're radiating out and helping other people in the room and that's also a benefit to you and your merit and your energy. So there's a lot to be benefited by meditating and invocation/evocation and the right use of music and the right use of the energy in the room is based on sacred geometric and sacred objects and sacred paintings like Thangkas.


    Question: I've never been able to meditate. I'm a full-time school teacher so I'm pretty busy, but I should be able to make time. I think I have a lot of resistance and fear about meditation.

    H.H. Buddha Maitreya: That is a very common experience. A lot of people have a very intellectual, mental attitude that goes on daily. Meditation is not a mental, intellectual, active attitude. So it really does take a big shift in your ability to change the way you're behaving, the way you're thinking, the way you're sitting, the way everything is acting in your life. All of the sudden just to shut that down and try to meditate, quite often what you get is an amplification of those same emotions and that same mental activity that makes you feel much more that you're totally incapable of doing such a thing. It also brings out fear, because a lot of times we have a suppressed relationship around love. We have a suppressed relationship about developing love in our life. So, there is an innate sense about not being loved and when you meditate, that essence of love, that need to be loved, which is your own self-love, is amplified and the energy of fear sometimes becomes amplified. So a person literally can experience a lot of fear when they begin to meditate. What I've done is that since I'm really good at meditating, and as a Tibetan teacher and healer, we have the ability to transmit and heal and we can do it in forms, like in objects, by handing little blessings to people, like little pills and things that people just hold or, we can actually radiate through meditation. If you're in a group with a high Lama or someone who's really really really good and you're in a group in that way, then it can actually affect your ability to meditate, just by being in contact with another meditator. So what I've done is that I've put out the music and I put out tools and I make it possible for people to use the tools and music that I work with and it puts them into a consciousness. I've had a lot of people who've actually practiced meditation and people who haven't practiced meditation who have been able to meditate so quickly and so effectively within just minutes, from just using the Etheric Weaver and listening to the music simultaneously. An energy takes place inside that aligns a person to their heart so quickly that all the mental stuff just stops and they're able to meditate. They're so happy for it. I get so many emails, I get so many people who stepped into the Soul Therapy Center or come across my music and they've been trying to meditate all those years and they've never been able to really accomplish it, even after technique and everything and then they come across my tape and all the sudden, they can meditate with no problem at all. So I recommend trying it. I really have found that it has been quite a difference in people's ability of meditating, that they usually have tried all these intellectual techniques of trying to meditate or, you get a tape and it tells you how to meditate: sit down, do this, do that. You're still being intellectual in the process. That doesn't help a whole lot, as far as your meditating and getting out of your intellect. But in my CD, it’s based on music, It’s based on drums and music and symbols and words that invoke a prayer that comes in a musical form so it hits the side of your brain that requires creativity, shutting down the side of your brain that requires a lot of intellect. So it automatically puts you into a state more relaxed, but yet a spiritual state that you kind of have to think about what the heck is he saying on this CD? So it opens up the left and the right side of the mind in a balanced way that activates meditation.

    Question: There is pressure all around us to be first, to be the winner, to be more that the other person. How do we establish Harmlessness in this type of world?

    H.H. Buddha Maitreya: That is the biggest difficulty and having those vices, those qualities that are always there tempting us and always there keeping us active toward moving in that direction also brings out anxiety and stress and frustration and worry and all of those other things that come from the emotions and the mental and the physical bodies. The way in which I believe that it’s best done is that there are people like myself whose lives are focused on meditation, whose lives are focused upon certain behaviors in life that actually bring about those instilled qualities. Like in the Monasteries or like in myself, as a Tulku, that by us bringing out certain meditative techniques that are fostered through Centers or fostered through healing tools or through meditation music, that literally transmits a vibrational influence of the Holy Spirit that can awaken that Buddha Nature inside of a person and strengthen them. Even though they’ve had a hard life and they’ve gone through stress, they could be on the edge of death due to disease and other things, it’s really come down to a terrible scenario, that listening to the Music or using the Etheric Weaver and coming into alignment with these type of energies literally brings on a spontaneous recapitulation of benefit that you could bypass the stress that we’re constantly involved with, that our aura is always under the influence of. Our telepathy can ascend us right out of that and connect us into the benefit of having a less stressful life simply due to meditation. That brings about a change in our life that we can do, despite the fact that we’re still working and we’re still carrying on many scenarios, but those scenarios change because our Soul takes more control over our life rather than our constant process of stress and just our personality living out our life and not the benefit of our Soul.

    Host: I listened to Your Music and I will tell you, my awareness was certainly effected and slowed down, calmed down. I found that although I'd planned to do other things, I had to just be there with the Music. It alters your reality.


    H.H. Buddha Maitreya: It most definitely does. It's quite transcending. It opens up so much in relationship to certain chakras aligning in a certain way that they just move back to their natural alignment and that changes your way of thinking and your way of being receptive. So whatever qualities of meditation you can move into, it moves you into it instantaneously. Self-realization is quite often best understood when one meditates and one realizes - through awakening and meditation the true qualities of the Self, the energy of the Soul and the quality of Love that awakens from past life after life. It even integrates a reality of telepathy that integrates to the future better qualities and better understandings that enhance our reality of today. We can experience déjà-vu or we can experience other qualities of psychicism but when we meditate, we become transcendental. We not only experience a quality of healing the past and forgiving the past and living in the moment, but we also attune to qualities of destiny in the future -- qualities of humanity's working out of a Plan, an orientation toward the Truth that brings us into greater and greater understanding. My work is to establish these teachings in our everyday life to bring back much of the quality of our ability to bring out the Soul through transcendental meditation, through reawakening qualities of meditation that happen spontaneously in us, not through technique or through different types of teachings or belief systems, but actually through the quality of recapitulation -- recapturing qualities and understandings and characteristics that come with our past lives. Virtues are found in a science in esoteric reality in the ancient teachings known as the Seven Rays. Same thing that we know in the rainbow's seven rays or the sound or the seven tones to the qualities of the geometric form -- all those things enhance the energy of reality when it comes down to spirituality. When we use vibration, like in a church or in a mantram or in sound, when we're working with the vibration of healing, all of that implies a quality of healing that brings about a Divine Order, brings about unification and enhances the Soulful quality of healing. So when we're praying or we're listening to aspiring music that's of right nature and right tone, when we're listening and hearing and speaking and communicating and sharing in the right tone and the right vibration and the right energy, that brings about a healing energy around our environment. It heals and it also makes us discern and discriminate what's creating an imbalance, what vibration is off in relationship to the harmony that's brought out in Divine Order. We make available the music that I put out that is known as Soul Therapy music. It's a science that is very well known in Tibetan Buddhism and in the ancient texts in relationship to healing, a science of Invocation and Evocation, invoking Soulful qualities and evoking those qualities to manifest as a Ray energy or as a tone or as a characteristic like love and understanding and compassion. All of those energies and all those qualities are hidden inside of us and if they're not there now, they're growing slowly but surely, through maturity in life after life. So we can reawaken those qualities. Everyone can benefit from the qualities of healing that come from the science of invocation and evocation which is better known as prayer. Through the influence of the music that I put out, I use the American Indian drum, I use Tibetan Bowls and I use the sound that I work with in relationship to just tone and bringing out the Word. Using meditation for so many years and working in relationship to healing through sound, it's brought out in my CDs so you can benefit from the relationship as though I'm doing my work right there. It's the same energy. Many people have noticed that the influence that comes with the music has actually a very powerful relationship of releasing negativity and even bringing about healing in people and spontaneously establishes a meditative state that normally would take many many years to develop that level of meditation. There's a lot of benefit just from listening to the CD and there's no requirements of understanding or no belief system that's involved, it's just a natural relationship of working with sound and invocation of God. When one does a prayer and one does it well, it's going to have a strong empowering quality upon the Soul and that's what it's for.
    Question: Which CD would you suggest I start with?

    H.H. Buddha Maitreya: I think any of them. A lot of people really like 'The Great Invocation' CD because it awakens a lot of relationship to the influence of the great power of humanity as it has grown through Saints and the quality of all the goodness that has come from humanity. It really does instill that ability for us to attune to it. It also dispels doubt and negativity by seeing too much of the negative quality of humanity and opens up the ability to see more of the virtues and give back the recognition of seeing those virtues by being a person of good, positive ability to discern and discriminate. The CD itself helps in that way.


    Question: Can I ask about playing the music at home, all the time?

    H.H. Buddha Maitreya: Well basically, the music itself is all done spontaneously by me, all the bowls and the drums and everything that you hear in the music is done by me and it's not edited in a way that most music is edited, it's actually one track after another played, listened to and recorded. So it's literally, the whole entire thing that you hear is a one-take per track and a completed song. So it's done all spontaneously in relationship to that particular song at that particular moment. It really does bring the energy of Puja or being in-the-moment into a very amplified state. And then the words that are placed into it are very uplifting and educating when it comes down to solar philosophy and the understanding of the Soul and the energy of color and sound and all those things that we would like to understand, but we need to heal a lot more and we need to become more balanced before certain truths or certain understandings could be unveiled or able for us to really recognize when it does come. So a lot of the healing that takes place in the music literally helps us grow up and become more mature quicker and see things that are happening in our daily life that we're missing, that we're not seeing because we're not as mature as we should be, not as open and as clear as we should be. So if you listen to the music while you're sleeping or just as background music, it literally helps to keep that meditative energy up and keep yourself more receptive to the moment, whatever's going on in life, rather than taken back to thinking of the past or depression or negativity, it helps to keep the energy going and the healing energy moving so that people can literally see a difference in their lives after listening to the music in this way for just a week or two.


    Question: If budget is really an issue, would it be best to start with the music or an Etheric Weaver?

    H.H. Buddha Maitreya: People have found these CDs to be one of the most profound experiences that they've had. The Etheric weavers and all of the other healing tools all include a CD so that you are able to get the experience of meditation and experience the Tibetan Bells and the different invocations and evocations that I put into the CD and allows a person to be moved in such a way and inspired in such a way that it opens up their heart and it opens up their mind and it opens up their emotional body to release an enormous amount of pent-up negativity that they just couldn't possibly release without a heart-opening. And through the use of meditation and through the use of the CD, that does take place -- even to the point of exorcism or to the point of healing illnesses and diseases, it's manifested many times in that way as a natural, miraculous healing of the Holy Spirit taking Form and the miraculous qualities that come from that. A lot of times, just hearing a good prayer and attuning to meditation is an extreme benefit and it's non-threatening. Unless there happens to be a lot of really negative spiritual influence within the person's life, then the CD can literally be uncomfortable. The use of the Etheric weaver is a little easier to adapt to because there are no words talking about God or angels or things like that, which could be threatening to the person. But in most cases, the CD really is so balancing that people listen to it almost all the time. It's very good for while you're sleeping and healing your house and healing your relationships and things like that on a big scale.




    แก้ไขครั้งล่าสุดโดยผู้ดูแล: 30 พฤษภาคม 2010
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